This weekend Nahla had a very unusual occurrence. She had wagged so hard that she sprained her own tail. She is part pitbull, as you know owners usually crop pitbulls' tails otherwise they resemble a whip. Well Nahla was almost a year old when we adopted her and so her tail is the natural length. At 4:30 in the morning she jumped off the bed and went to shake, all of a sudden she started crying and wouldn't let us touch her tail. We searched for a cut or a bite and couldn't find anything. She curled up next to me and went back to sleep. Below is a picture of Nahla laying down on her bed watching tv while C was putting ice on her tail.
The next morning, Nahla's tail was twice its normal size and in a weird position. When she tried to wag she would cry. It wasn't broken or dislocated, it was just swollen. We wrapped her tail in ice for most of the day while she slept. I had never heard of a dog wagging their tail so hard they sprained it. She was in a lot of pain and understood that she couldn't play. The next day she was much better and could wag her tail just fine. Strangest thing I have ever had happen to one of our dogs.
Below is a picture of my nephew trying to comfort Nahla, the poor baby.